I have always looked forward to the chance to play around and experiment with a professional “hologram” projection screen.

That day finally came and I am thrilled to share a few preliminary photos and a short walk around video of the result.

It took me a while to really conceptualize the what, how, and where of the effect so hopefully this media will fill in some blanks for you.

First off, the screen is pure magic! It worked really well and the screen was barely visible under the right lighting conditions.

Next, the spill over projection on the ground and behind the screen is hard to contend with. Although elevating the projector to about a 45º angle relative to the screen was an improvement it still needs some work. I would imagined a longer backdrop and a darker color floor would aid in mitigating this.

Overall I look forward to applying this effect to an upcoming project for my company, Lumenarius, and of course aim for an even larger screen in the future!

For reference, the screen shown here is a 4’ x 8’ tall section of “Hologauze” made by Holotronica.